The world's most innovative agencies use Authenticity

Unleash The Power Of Authenticity

If you’re an agency running traffic for your clients, you’ve come to the right place.

Forget chasing down new clients in this deteorating economy.

There’s another way to increase your topline revenue while providing much-needed value to your already existing clients.

And that’s through the power of Authenticity.

Authenticity is a dynamic software that verifies leads in real time. It stops any fraudulent emails and phone numbers from reaching your clients and corrupting their operations.

And now Authenticity stops bots in their tracks as well. Using AI technology, we can now determine the intention of every user!


real emails


real Phone #s


More Profits

Make more money on your already existing clients

Your clients love it because it saves them time from chasing down leads that don’t exist and agencies like yours love it because Authenticity allows you to set the verification price for your clients.

That means for every verified lead, you’re generating more revenue per client because of the additional value you’re providing.

And because you as an agency know your clients best, you know just how much to charge them per verification!

The beauty of Authenticity is that it’s a no-brainer for both agencies and clients to use.

Agencies provide a much-needed service to their clients while the clients love getting only potentially convertible leads, because their entire business depends on it!


IMproved KPI's


Money Saved


Authenticity has completely revolutionized the relationship we have with our clients.
CEO, Rubix Insights
Our clients are happier and we get to increase our topline revenue because of it.
Aren JohnSTONE
Partner, Franchise Ramp
It's all about value, and nobody delivers value like Authenticity.
Rohan Sheth
Founder, GrowRev

Built For Agencies

You know your clients best, that's why you set the price they pay.

Add Much Needed Value

Your clients are starving for better quality leads. From their topline revenue to their most important key performance indicators (KPIs), their whole operation can be optimized simply by giving them access to Authenticity and delivering only verified leads. It’s a small strategic move on your part, but it has massive implications for their business.

Differentiate Your Agency

By using Authenticity, you automatically differentiate yourself from your competitors because you actually have a way of delivering only clean leads to your clients. While other agencies are delivering leads with an industry average 18% corrupt data rate, you’re delivering leads that actually exist. Your clients can sleep well at night knowing that their hard earned money is going towards acquiring verified leads only.

increase revenue

By using Authetniticy, not only are you strengthening your relationship with your clients, you’re also making more money as an agency because of it. It’s a win-win. No more chasing down flaky leads or new customers, especially in this economy. With Authenticity, you provide value, strengthen already existing relationships, and make increase your own revenue while doing so.

Utilized By Clients

Authenticity brings unprecadented value to your clients and their business.

99.9% Real Leads

Leads are the lifeblood of any business. That means that when corrupt leads come through the funnel, it rots the whole operation from the inside out. Through Authenticity, you as an agency have the power to change that for your clients. Simply by copying and pasting a piece of code that verifies leads in real time, you can ensure that your clients are only getting truly verified leads.

Improved KPI's

Everything from the effective cost per lead (eCPL) to the final conversion rate depends on the quality of the leads that your clients receive. If your clients are combating an industry average 18% corrupt data rate, that means their entire operation is skewed. Clean leads fix all of that and optimize your clients’ entire business by removing the unknowns that come with working with corrupt data. Not only that, but it improves the numbers your clients care about the most - conversions and total sales!

Save time and money

The last thing any company wants to do is use manpower and other resources to hunt down leads that don’t exist. It’s the definition of wasting time (and money). By giving your clients the power of Authenticity, you’re making sure that every lead your client tries to convert, they won’t be wasting time doing so. Time is money, and Authenticity underlines that fact!

Revolutionize Your Agency

As an agency, it’s your job to provide the absolute best service to your clients.

And while you’re already doing an exceptional job running traffic for them, why not up your game with Authenticity and transform their business from top to bottom!

Save your clients time and money and give your clients what they want - verified leads that CAN convert.

Differentiate yourself from the competition, strengthen your relationship with your already existing clients, and get more revenue for your agency by providing an essential service that every business so desperately wants.

Revolutionize your agency, make your clients blissfully happy, and earn more money doing it. Subscribe to Authenticity today.

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